FNF Sarvente’s Mid-Fight Masses vs Nun

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Play Friday Night Funkin’ Nun Game

You’ll meet Sarvente, a friendly and jolly-faced nun in “FNF Sarvente’s Mid-Fight Masses.” Don’t let her kindness fool you. She really wants you to go to her church. You and your character’s boyfriend are just entering her church looking for a bathroom but now you’re stuck in a musical fight with her.

The fun part of the game is as the music plays, Sarvente becomes more determined to win. The songs go faster, and she takes up more people to help, like Ruv and Selever—two hard opponents you have to face later. Every song is a battle, and if you can follow the beats, you will win! But if you mess up, you get in trouble.

Some of these really catchy songs are included in this mod, such as “Parish” and “Gospel,” which are based on the church theme. As Sarvente’s difficulties are pushed in each round, the tricky game becomes the fun and hard part.

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